Sunday, May 20, 2012

St. Aidan's Sense of Community

Greetings everyone!!

I hope everyone is doing well. I cannot believe I have been here 6 weeks on Tuesday. Where did the time go?? Anyways, I thought I'd take this post to update on the strong sense of community I have since been impressed at, at St. Aidan's (the school where I teach).

As I blogged in an earlier post, three weeks ago this Wednesday, a teacher at St. Aidan's died suddenly. The event left the entire school in shock. The last couple of weeks have since been really hard on the teachers. But, with his passing, I have seen an amazing sense of community emerge from this terrible situation. Over the past couple of weeks, teachers have organized a few get togethers in order to help each other cope and with the healing process. I fortunately have been able to take part in these activities and they have been really memorable.

On Thursday, St. Aidan's had their annual Sport's Day. This was a day for students to just come to school and compete in field day activities. All of the teachers get really into it and help out. It was a lot of fun! Students especially loved the high jump event. I even got to take part in some events. I did the tug-o-war and the egg and spoon race. Even the teachers competed in some of the events. At the end of the day, students who won events even receive medals.

After Sport's Day, some of the teachers decided to organize a 5K walk through some of the gorgeous Dublin Mountains that can be seen from anywhere in our area. One of the teacher's young daughter was recently diagnosed with cancer. Everyone thought that we as a staff could complete a 5K to raise money for his daughter's treatment bills. Many thought this could also get the ball rolling for starting up regular social activities for the staff members. So, on Thursday, 20 or so of the teachers and myself took part in a 5K walk. The mountains were beautiful (see pictures below). It was a lot of fun getting to talk to the teachers outside of class, and getting to know them better.

Then, on Friday, the teachers got together for another social event. Approximately 20 of us or so, met in the city for dinner at a place called Chatham Brasserie. We all indulged in three-course meals. After dinner we went to a pub and continued our social event there. All the teachers really welcomed me into their social gathering. It was great! The teachers are just so friendly - one even walked me about 20 minutes to the nearest train stop when the night was over so I didn't have to walk alone. It was such a fun night!

This weekend, I took it pretty easy. Jessie (my roommate) left today (Sunday)! It was so sad seeing her go, but I'm glad we got to spend 6 weeks or so together. I am counting down the days now until my parents and sister come. I miss them SO much! I never really considered how long 8 weeks would be away from home. I miss everyone so much, but know I will be sad to leave beautiful Ireland in just 3 weeks.


Sport's Day:
High-jump (Students LOVED this event)

Our principal is nearly 60 years old and still loves being involved with this day!

Tug-o-War (Even the teachers take part in this :))

Our Deputy Principal (Vice Principal) (in blue) participating in a race

Potato Sack Race!

Wheelbarrow Races!

5k Walk:
Some of the teachers during the 5k walk

At the middle of the 5K walk we ended up at a beautiful reservoir

Night out with the teachers:

If you've noticed I've been blogging once a week - I just realized that leaves me with just two more posts until I am home!!

Thanks for reading!


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